Please read the following instructions carefully before downloading your software.
To make sure that the P100 upgrade is appropriate, go to the Configuration Settings menu, scroll to Controller Details, enter, look at the Product Name and only use an upgrade file that matches the Product Name. To determine the software revision on your controller, go to the Configuration Settings menu, scroll to Controller Details, enter, and scroll down to the Control Brd Software version. The latest version is 3.31. Do not perform this upgrade unless the version on your controller is 1.11 or higher.
Upgrading the software on your P100 controller is easy! All you need is a 32MB or larger USB flash drive. (Please note: 16GB is the maximum supported size)
Always upgrade to the latest version for the greatest reliability! We are continuously improving the W100 and P100! Here are the features we have included lately. Please note that if you have an early revision of the software, you may only update to the latest revision, not to any intermediate revision.
- Added On Delay and Off Delay settings for relays using Alarm Control Mode
- Added Alarm Suppression based on the state of Digital Inputs
- Added Korean language support
- New logarithmic generic sensor type for use with Ion Selective Electrodes
- Improved anti-windup in PID control modes
- Added two decimal places to Flow Proportional control mode set point to allow for smaller values
- Modified Time Proportional and % Timer control modes so that set point changes take effect immediately instead of at the
next time cycle - Improved response time when using a duty cycle in On/Off control mode
- Fixed an issue where the controller doesn’t resume control in intermittent sampling if a calibration is started but never completed
- Fixed an issue where using the Smoothing Factor for disinfection or pH/ORP causes an offset in the reading.
- Fixed an issue where custom names for I/O in Asian languages could not be accomplished.
- Immediately show new conductivity value after a calibration when using Intermittent Sampling
- Add high and low alarms for Paddlewheels
- Can now read temperature sensors even if the primary sensor is disabled
- Analog outputs forced to 0 mA during the boot up period
- Fixed an issue where Hand and Auto Output Timeouts interacted
- Adds Flow Proportional control mode using a paddlewheel flow input and analog output
- Fixed an issue where the pulse proportional control pulse rate could be twice the expected rate.
- Fixed an issue where the conductivity reading displayed is not updated immediately following boiler intermittent sampling if trapped sampling is disabled.
- Fixed an issue where resuming control is delayed for several seconds after a biocide bleed lockout or probe wash hold time of 0.
Adds support for:
- The feature where a biocide or timer event can be selected to occur immediately after an interlock clears has been re-named from “Interlock Delay” to “Add Last Missed”
- Conductivity-based biocide prebleeds will now be forced to have a time limit also associated, so it’s no longer possible for the prebleed to last forever
- Added an Air Calibration for contacting conductivity sensors to improve accuracy
- Modified the % Timer algorithm so that a new cycle starts if the sample period setting is changed
- Increased the maximum setting allowed for the paddlewheel K factor
- Fixed an issue in Timer control mode Hourly event repetition settings changing after a restart
- Fixed an issue where a Flow Timer control output can stop accumulating feed time if interlocked by another output
- Fixed an issue with PID control mode if the input is paddlewheel or virtual input type
Adds support for:
- PID control using Pulse or Analog outputs
- Intermittent Sampling for boilers without using a trapped sample
- Added a 2nd flowmeter input to the Feed Timer control algorithm
- Ability to set the flow total to match the meter’s register
- Antimony pH sensor support
- Ability to restore default settings
- Chinese and Taiwanese languages
- Modified Bleed/Feed and % Timer algorithms so a feed cycle doesn’t begin immediately after and interlock clears
- Ability to choose to feed the last missed Biocide after an interlock
- Improved system stability
- Improved sensor speed of response
Adds support for:
- Control based on paddlewheel flowrate
- Duty cycle with on/off control mode
- Easier biocide, industrial timer and probe wash programming
- Calibration reminder
- Automatic reset of flow total (daily, monthly, annually)
- Totalize time that a digital input (like a flow switch) has been open or closed
- Delay alarm notifications on system startup
- Fixed pulse proportional control output going below the minimum setting
- Reduced low limit for temperature sensors to -20 C, -4 F
- Disabled the Home screen timeout during log file transfers
Adds support for:
- Automatic buffer recognition for pH calibration
- Three point buffer calibration for pH sensors
- Probe wash relay control mode
- Damping/averaging on sensor inputs
- User-adjustable conductivity automatic temperature compensation %
- More flexible alarm relay control mode, able to select specific groups of alarms that trigger the relay
- Adjustable display contrast
- Increase paddlewheel rate to 500 Hz.
- Improvements to intermittent sampling calibration, and calibrations in general
- Reset default calibration
- Suppress sensor alarms during No Flow
- Adds support for a Generic type disinfection sensor. Adds the ability to change between a general industrial and a cooling tower/boiler controller with the Show HVAC Modes menu. Adds Japanese language support. Adds the Minimum Relay Cycle feature for use with motorized ball valves, allowing the valve time to fully open and close. Adds User Configuration File import and export to quickly save and change set points. Changes the way the Security (access code) menu is structured. Adds the sensor Raw Value to the list of items that can be on the Home display. Adds the current day of the week to the Details screen for Biocide Timer and Timer control modes. Adds a menu to cancel the remaining feed time when using Bleed Then Feed control mode.
- Prevents a critical file system issue from occurring. It is highly recommended that all controllers be upgraded to v1.19 or higher.
- Eliminates a situation where the general industrial timer control algorithms don’t know when the clock has been changed and don’t activate on schedule. Changes how the passive pH calibration decides the signal is stable enough to continue.
- Adds support for Spanish and Portuguese languages. Improves the accuracy of the temperature measurement. Standardizes the range of certain timed events as 00:00:10 to 23:59:59 (In HH:MM:SS format).
- First released software version
Upgrading the software on your P100 controller is easy! All you need is a 32MB or larger USB flash drive. (Please note: 16GB is the maximum supported size)
- Click a link above to Download the software upgrade. A dialog box will open, asking if you want to save or open the file. Choose “Save As”. In XP and Vista, save it to your desktop (this makes it easy to find). In Windows 7, 8 or 10 the file is saved in your “Downloads” folder.
- In XP and Vista, double click the file on your desktop to unzip the file. In Windows 7, 8 or 10 go to your Downloads folder and extract the file (you will normally have to right click on the file and select “Extract All ”). Drag the extracted upgrade file to your desktop.
- Using a USB/Micro-USB flash drive or an adapter cable for micro-USB to USB, plug in your USB flash drive. The drive window should open. If not, go to “My Computer”, and open it (should be “Removable Media” drive).
- Drag the file named WxxP100-v3_31.bag to the USB drive. (Make sure that the Upgrade file is the only file on the drive.)
- Unplug the USB flash drive from the computer. Now you can upload it to your controller.
Upload the file to your P100 Controller:
- Remove power to the controller
- Plug the memory stick into the Micro-USB Host connection using an adapter.
- Restore power to the controller
- Go to the Configuration Settings menu, scroll to File Utilities, enter, and scroll down to Software Upgrade
- Press the Enter key to get to the “Confirm software upgrade from USB” menu item.
- Press the Check icon to begin the upgrade.
- The controller will display the progress of the file import process. If successful, the controller will automatically reboot.