Please read the following instructions carefully before downloading your software.

Upgrading the software on your WIND is easy!  All you need is a 32 MB (or higher) USB flash memory stick. (*Note: If you have a WMT7,WMB7 or WGI7, you can only upgrade with a new chip or if the controller is on the Internet).

Determine your upgrade from the Available Upgrades below then follow these Instructions:

  1. Click on the applicable software upgrade link below. A dialog box will open, asking if you want to save or open the file. Choose “Save As”. In XP and Vista, save it to your desktop (this makes it easy to find). In Windows 7 & 8, the file is saved in your “Downloads” folder.
  2. Plug in your USB flash drive. The drive window should open. If not, go to “My Computer”, and open it (should be “Removable Media” drive).
  3. Drag the Software Upgrade over to the USB drive. (Make sure that the Upgrade is the only file on the drive.)
  4. Unplug the USB flash drive from the computer.

WIND Software Revision Level Descriptions

Always upgrade to the latest version for the greatest reliability! We are continuously improving the WebMaster! Here are the features we have included lately. Please note that if you have an early revision of the software, you may only update to the latest revision, not to any intermediate revision.

Version 25
Corrects a problem with interlocking a pulse proportional control output where the interlock is not lifted correct when the relay or digital input leaves the interlock state. Conductivity sensor alarm deadband will be calculated correctly. Hand Mode for pulse proportional outputs will now operate the pump at the maximum strokes per minute for the programmed Hand time.
Version 24
The ranges for graphs of all disinfection sensor types will now be correct. The ranges for graphs of 2,4,8 and 12 hour durations will now be correct. Multiple alarm relays may be set up in any configuration without causing any problems.
Version 23
In PID control, the Calculated Integral will not accumulate if the output is saturated. Analog output data may now be sent to VTouch. Deleting the Manual Datalog on download is now optional. Added the ability to superimpose an adjustable duty cycle on on/off set point control. All set points related to an input or analog output are displayed on the System Summary page. More time frame options are available for the graphs. Exported graphs now include the controller name and location in the image. Support for the latest 2G and 3G modems has been added. The following bugs have been fixed: Analog Outputs in the datalog when not available to select; Redundant Mode for Analog Flowmeters did not stop control or alarm; Changing set points in Flow Based Feed can activate the relay; Default manual temperature compensation is 77C not 25C; Parameters selected to show on LCD disappear after power cycle; Graphs show the wrong temperature input in the name; Averages not graphing; Graphs incorrect for analog inputs if scaled inversely; Graph data deleted if the Analog Input is rescaled; Custom Country Code field corruption; GPRS modem initialized incorrectly; Min, Max, Ave, Logging and Alarming still active during sensor calibration; Missing Manual Datalog download links; Log file changes date/time format; Log files drop parameters; Bleed Vol on Makeup Vol control mode calculation errors; Feed on % Time control mode calculation problems if less than 1% of time; On/Off Set Point control mode using analog input only allows settings in integers. PID calculations continue running when output is interlocked. Relay to relay interlocks occurring when relay is off; Pulse Proportional control mode set point units incorrect if flowmeter input used.
Version 22a
Prevents a 32-day online graph from stopping at 21 days. Prevents an empty online graph. Prevents flowmeter type analog input average being reported as the same as the current reading on the System Summary page. Prevents the auto-reporting logging frequency from being set to 0 min:sec. Prevents the controller from trying to re-synchronize the real time clock based on a bad reading, if the battery has failed.
Version 22
Version 10
Improves speed of relay pages loading after making changes and allows DI_4, 5 and 6 to be used in Counter Based Control mode.
Version 9
Repairs bugs where a pH sensor in the Sensor 2 position could not be calibrated via the keypad, and temperature sensor alarm ranges being incorrect.
Version 8
Version 7
Now available for the new core. Version 7 upgrade is a very important upgrade to perform! This provides much more reliable USB connections and increases the robustness of the operating system. This upgrade must be performed from version 6, so if you are at a version below 6, do the upgrade to 6 first and then upgrade to version 7.
Version 6
Fixes a problem with the keypad freezing for a few minutes at a time. Increases the range of temperatures for high temperature conductivity sensors before they go into a Temp Error alarm. Adds more country codes to the phone number pulldown lists, and allows for manual entry of a country code. Paddlewheel type water meters may now be used as an input for a Proportional Control type analog output. Added the ability to use a non-standard SMTP port to send emails.

Available Software Upgrades:

  • If your controller is software version s825v002, first upgrade to s825v006 using this link: s825v006.
  • Then upgrade to s825v007 using the V007 file. If your controller is already at s825v006, just use the V007 file.
  • If your controller is software version s825v007 thru 10, use the V022 file.
  • If your controller is version s825v022, v022a, v023 or v024 use the V025 file.

Note: The software upgrade may create a new configuration file. If you have previously saved the configuration file, you should discard the old copy and export a new copy after performing the upgrade. Check all set points after performing an upgrade.


Compatible USB Sticks

Please read the following instructions carefully before downloading your software.

If you have replaced your WebMaster core board, connect to the controller with your PC and look at the software version number on the System Summary page.

In order to have optimal performance, the software version should be s800v021, 3.003. If the software version is v022a but the firmware version after the comma is less than 3.003, follow the instructions below to download the firmware upgrade.

* Note that if you upgraded the software to v022a from a lower version, the firmware will upgrade to 3.003 at the same time.

  1. Click here to download the firmware upgrade.  A dialog box will open, asking if you want to save or open the file. Choose “Save As”. In XP and Vista, save it to your desktop (this makes it easy to find). In Windows 7 & 8, the file is saved in your “Downloads” folder.
  2. Plug in your USB flash drive. The drive window should open. If not, go to “My Computer”, and open it (should be “Removable Media” drive).
  3. Drag the Software Upgrade over to the USB drive. (Make sure that the Upgrade is the only file on the drive.)
  4. Unplug the USB flash drive from the computer.

Upload the Software file to your WIND:

  1. Plug the memory stick into the USB Host connections on the core interface board. The stick will only fit in one direction.
  2. Enter the Software Upgrade Menu. Press Next until the word START is highlighted, then press Enter.
  3. The Status section of the screen will indicate that the upgrade has started. Once it finishes (in a few minutes) the controller will reboot.
  4. Remove the memory stick. This may be used to upgrade as many controllers as you would like.

Upload to your WIND.

  1. Plug the memory stick into the USB Host connections on the core interface board. The stick will only fit in one direction.
  2. Enter the Software Upgrade Menu. Press Next until the word START is highlighted, then press Enter.
  3. The Status section of the screen will indicate that the upgrade has started. Once it finishes (in a few minutes) the controller will reboot.
  4. Remove the memory stick. This may be used to upgrade as many controllers as you would like.


VPN Upgrade