W900 Series ControllerPlease read the following instructions carefully before downloading your software.

To make sure that the W900 upgrade is appropriate, go to the Configuration Settings menu, scroll to Controller Details, enter, look at the Product Name and only use an upgrade file that matches the Product Name. To determine the software revision on your controller, go to the Configuration Settings menu, scroll to Controller Details, enter, and look at the Control Board Software version.

If it is lower than the current version (v4.27) then go to Step 2 to Learn More about the upgrades that have happened since your software version was released.

Upgrading the software on your W900 controller is easy! All you need is a 32MB or larger USB flash drive. (Please note: 16GB is the maximum supported size)

New Features from the Latest Upgrade

  • Complies with GSA requirements for security with all important information encrypted at rest.
  • Added four levels of security for remote connections as well as at the local user interface (touchscreen).
  • Expanded Fluorometer calibration settings enabling calibration either in the controller (current) or at the sensor.
  • Optimized network communications improving reliability, faster transfer and less data loss.

Always upgrade to the latest version for the greatest reliability! We are continuously improving the W900! Here are the features we have included lately. Please note that if you have an early revision of the software, you may only update to the latest revision, not to any intermediate revision.

Version 4.27

  • Complies with GSA requirements for security with all important information encrypted at rest.
  • Added four levels of security for remote connections as well as four levels at the local user interface (touchscreen).
    • Network Admin (access to all)
    • Controller Admin (no network settings, but all control settings)
    • Technician (calibrations and HOA)
    • View Only
  • Added email field for user-requested “forgot password” requests.
  • Changed sign in attempt lock-out to ten times with 30-minute lockout.
  • Added Autocomplete setting to enable or restrict browser from using its auto-fill feature of username/password (GSA security requirement).
  • Expanded Fluorometer calibration settings enabling calibration either in the controller (current) or at the sensor.
  • Expanded Lead/Lag flexibility so each Lag can now be independently interlocked.
  • Added a network log download button for easier access and troubleshooting
  • Added the Graph File Format type to allow .ZIP files in email reports.
  • Log In Timeout setting moved to Ethernet Settings.
  • Added LiveConnect Timeout setting to help compensate for modem communication issues
  • Optimized network communications improving reliability, faster transfer and less data loss.
  • Expanded the allowable calibration range for disinfection sensors to -300 to 40.
  • Many of the common Engineering Units used in the controllers are now part of the standard BACnet protocol.
  • Improved compatibility with new IOS/Iphone upgrades and some work was done to help avoid future downtime with IOS/Iphone upgrades.

Version 4.23

  • Improved the ability to read BACnet packets when they are sent at high rates
  • Fixed an issue with the Default SSL certificate generation

Version 4.21

  • Added protection against brute force password login attacks, locking out login after five failed attempts
  • Decreased the maximum allowable network timeout to 240 minutes. Controller data will continue to update in view-only mode as long as a webpage remains open
  • Require a strong password for all network users
  • Improved the encryption of passwords in the browser
  • Fixed an issue where process calibrations via the local touchscreen are possible with security enabled and the user logged out
  • Fixed an issue where data logs download links did not expire
  • Several other security improvements

Version 4.17

  • Option to encrypt LiveConnect
  • Encrypt Fluent data packets
  • Improve how many decimal places are shown based on conductivity cell constant and units
  • Increased number of decimal places for Fluorometer analog input types
  • Fix Live Connect login failure using iPhone
  • Fix networklog download failures when using certain browsers
  • Match software version numbers with Intuition

Version 3.39

  • Encrypted webpages
  • Added virtual outputs to Interlock and Activate With screens
  • Added Repair Network File System menu
  • Increased range of electrodeless conductivity cell constant
  • Fixed an issue where WiFi may not reconnect if the hotspot restarts
  • Fixed an issue with BACnet subnet mask when using DHCP
  • Fixed an issue with flowmeter rate and conductivity units in Spanish and Portuguese languages

Version 3.37

  • Changed the upper limit for pulse relay output maximum rate to 2400 pulses/minute
  • Changed the upper limit for the feed percentage in the Bleed then Feed control mode to 1000%
  • Added all new disinfection sensors to the menu list when setting up these inputs.
  • Numerous network reliability and security improvements.
  • Added a new email server type selection for “Walchem Fluent Email”, using preloaded SMTP IP and Port.
  • Fixed an issue with Graph Reports sometimes not having the mouse-over feature in the attachment.
  • Fixed an issue where the network card restarts when generating Graph reports.
  • Increased size of the ASMTP Password field
  • Fixed an issue where the remote calibration window did not work in French.
  • Increased the number of digits shown using engineering notation for flowmeter totals greater than 10 million.
Version 3.35
  • This is the first upgrade that will be available remotely over Ethernet. The upgrade link will only be shown if the controller has v3.33 or higher software and is connected to the Internet. Please note: The upgrade process takes a minimum of 30 minutes depending on your connection speed.
  • Improved software filtering of noise on flowmeter and counter type digital inputs
  • Improved touchscreen noise rejection on power up that can cause false software upgrade attempts
  • Improved reliability of the remote process calibration
  • Improved webpage performance on mobile screens
  • Increased the frequency of retries if packets fail to be sent to Walchem Fluent ™
  • Fixed an issue with data packets sent to Walchem Fluent ™ for controllers with no sensor channels assigned
  • Added email report configuration to the list of fields in User Configuration Files. This does not include SMTP server settings or To and From email addresses, only the report settings.
  • Increased the number of decimal places for the total of DI Counter inputs to equal that of the Units/Pulse setting
Version 3.33
  • Fixed some issues with the v3.31 upgrade which was not compatible with some combinations of sensor and Ethernet option card versions
Version 3.31
  • Added On Delay and Off Delay settings for relays using Alarm Control Mode
  • Added Alarm Suppression based on the state of Digital Inputs
  • Added Korean language support
  • If alarms are suppressed, then datalogging is also suppressed
  • New Dual Switch Control Mode
  • New Flowmeter Ratio Control Mode
  • New Boolean Logic Control Mode
  • Added the ability to limit the daily maximum activation time for control outputs
  • Fractional Units/Pulse in Counter Control Mode with the number of decimal places determined by the High Alarm setting
  • New Tank Level analog input type
  • New Remote Modbus digital input type
  • New Remote Modbus virtual input type
  • New Periodic Datalog with 24-hour running average of input Minimum, Maximum and Average, Flow Totals, Total relay, virtual output and DI State on-time, and average % output for analog and virtual outputs.
  • New Notepad webpage
  • Improved webpage responsiveness to smaller device screens
  • Modbus and BACnet key is now retained through a Reset Defaults command
  • Remote One-Point Process Calibration over Ethernet
  • Remote Software Upgrades over Ethernet
  • Remote Configuration File Import and Export over Ethernet
  • Option to attach a System Summary file to Alarm email reports
  • Choice of Light or Dark webpage color schemes (upon upgrading to v3.31, the Light color scheme will become the default)
  • Added the ability to easily send a Test Email to help verify email settings
  • System Log now captures the IP address of devices connecting over Ethernet
  • Added a manual End Temporary Ad-Hoc Mode button for WiFi connections
  • Enhanced Password Security
    • Complies with new regulations banning identical default passwords
    • After upgrading, on first login the user will be prompted to change passwords
    • New controllers will use the serial number as the unique password, not the same password for all controllers
Version 3.25
  • Fixed an issue where false file system error alarms are reported in the System Log
  • Added a hard-coded 60 minute time delay for reporting VTouch communications and Live Connect alarms. Short term failures will still be captured in the System Log but will not generate alarms unless the condition persists.
Version 3.23
  • Changed the color of the Min, Max, Average lines in the webpage graphs to improve visibility
  • Improved BACnet by adding Device Communication Control, Virtual Link Layer message support, responding to unsupported Write Property requests, and supporting an object’s name change.
  • Added Virtual Outputs to the list of parameters allowed in Virtual Input calculations, Disturbance mode inputs, alarm selection lists, home screen lists, and graph channel selection Added eight virtual control outputs
  • Resolve web page issues that occur when there are more than 8 analog outputs installed
  • Fixed an error in converting corrosion units to mm/year
  • Fixed an error in Disturbance Control Mode where it was not using the correct Trigger Input state
Version 3.21
  • New WiFi card options
  • New BACnet communications feature
  • Added eight virtual control outputs
  • New logarithmic generic sensor type for use with Ion Selective Electrodes
  • New Graph type email report
  • Improved Graph webpage to allow custom setting of the Y-axis scale
  • Increased the maximum alarm delay time for email reports to 24 hours
  • Added a flow total alarm for analog (4-20 mA) flowmeter types
  • Added Millions of Gallons as volume units for analog (4-20 mA) flowmeter types
  • Improved the Disturbance type virtual input to handle inverse relationships between the multiplier and the disturbance input value
  • Improved anti-windup in PID control modes
  • Improved reliability of the network card file system
  • Added two decimal places to Flow Proportional control mode set point to allow for smaller values
  • Modified Time Proportional and % Timer control modes so that set point changes take effect immediately instead of at the next time cycle
  • Improved response time when using a duty cycle in On/Off control mode
  • Fixed an issue where the controller doesn’t resume control in intermittent sampling if a calibration is started but never completed
  • Fixed an issue where using the Smoothing Factor for disinfection or pH/ORP causes an offset in the reading.
Version 3.19
  • Fixes an issue with a false “Calculation Error” alarm that can happen on a Relay 2 Flow Timer output
  • Fixes an issue where abandoning an Intermittent Sampling calibration can disable control
Version 3.17
  • Adds Disturbance variable control mode
  • Adds Bleed Volume on Makeup Volume control mode (Flow Meter Ratio)
  • Adds Volumetric Blending control mode
  • Add logo, controller name and location to all webpages
  • Adds new virtual input type to log or control on a sensor’s Raw Value
  • Removed exponential notation in datalogs
  • Immediately show new conductivity value after a calibration when using Intermittent Sampling
  • Add high and low alarms for Paddlewheels
  • Can now read temperature sensors even if the primary sensor is disabled
  • Analog outputs forced to 0 mA during the boot up period
  • Fixed an issue where Hand and Auto Output Timeouts interacted
Version 3.15
  • Adds an auto-dim option for the display backlight
  • Adds a TCP Timeout setting to improve reliability of slow cell connections
  • Adds an alarm delay during power up initialization period
  • Add the custom name of the relay selected on the HOA screen
Version 3.13
  • First released software version
Upgrading the software on your W900 controller is easy! All you need is a 32MB or larger USB flash drive. (Please note: 16GB is the maximum supported size)

  1. A dialog box will open, asking if you want to save or open the file. Choose “Save As”. In XP and Vista, save it to your desktop (this makes it easy to find). In Windows 7, 8 or 10 the file is saved in your “Downloads” folder.
  2. In XP and Vista, double click the file on your desktop to unzip the file. In Windows 7, 8 or 10 go to your Downloads folder and extract the file (you will normally have to right click on the file and select “Extract All ”). Drag the extracted upgrade file to your desktop.
  3. Plug in your USB flash drive. The drive window should open. If not, go to “My Computer”, and open it (should be “Removable Media” drive).
  4. Drag the file named W**900-v—.bag to the USB drive. Make sure that the Upgrade file is the only file on the drive. The ** will be the Product Name of the file you selected and v— will be the version number of the upgrade.
  5. Unplug the USB flash drive from the computer. Now you can upload it to your controller.

Note: If you have issues with the Ethernet network circuit, you may need to run an upgrade to get the card back in sync with the controller. 

Note: Latest I/O software version is v4.23 for single and dual sensor input boards, v4.03 for boards with analog inputs or analog outputs, and v4.27 for all other I/O boards (Corrosion)

Upload the file to your W900 Controller:

  1. Plug the memory stick into the USB Host connection outside the controller’s front panel, located under the waterproof cap on the lower right-hand corner.
  2. Go to the Config Menu, touch the Down arrow to scroll to the last page.
  3. Touch File Utilities then touch the Down arrow to scroll to the last page
  4. Touch Software Upgrade.
  5. Touch the Check (Confirm) icon to begin the upgrade.
  6. The controller will display the progress of the file import process. Leave the memory stick in place.If successful, the controller will automatically reboot and then the stick may be removed.