FCM Sensors provide a low-cost flow verification option for PVC E-Series pumps. Installation on the suction side is simple, insulating the sensor from varying discharge parameters such as high or inconsistent pressures. Liquid pulled into the pump head during the suction stroke verifies pump operation, triggering a pulse output for each confirmed pump stroke. The FCM can be used to totalize chemical and sense when there is an no-flow condition (air-lock/loss of prime/dead head) when used with a controller or PLC.

FCM Flow Verification Sensor

Key Benefits:

  • Low-cost flow verification for the E-Series pumps.
  • Suction side installation insulates the sensor from discharge variations.
  • Validates chemical flow through the metering pump
  • Pulse output with every suction stroke of the pump.
  • Adjustable sensitivity for low flow applications.
  • Flowrates down to 0.1mL/stroke can be accurately monitored.
  • Operate with a 5-24VDC-power source, drawing a maximum of only 8mA.
  • Output is an NPN open collector dry contact closure.