Drinking Water Disinfection
Walchem web-enabled systems offer improved disinfection control in potable water systems.
Customer | Drinking Water Disinfection I Potable Water
Ensuring that drinking water is clean and safe is a critical responsibility, typically managed by municipal water authorities, utility companies, or specialized water treatment facilities. These entities are tasked with maintaining compliance with EPA regulations, which require continuous monitoring and control of the disinfection process. This includes measuring parameters such as chlorine residuals, pH, and turbidity, while being able to alarm operators if water quality is out of specification.
SCADA systems, which are used by large municipalities to monitor and control the chlorination process, are cost-prohibitive for most small communities. Standalone chlorine monitors are more affordable and increase system reliability but lack communication capabilities. This communication gap can lead to issues in maintaining proper chlorine residuals, which is crucial for ensuring safe drinking water.
Walchem’s Intuition-9/6 controllers are a cost-effective and reliable solution in small, decentralized drinking water systems to integrate sensing, control, datalogging, and remote communications within a single device. Using Walchem EPA Method 334.0 compliant amperometric sensors, these controllers read free chlorine directly and require minimal maintenance. The controllers support multiple sensor inputs, as well as analog and digital inputs for flow meters, tank levels, chemical pump feed verification, and leak detection. They feature large color screens and provide graphing, trending, and on-board diagnostics to facilitate troubleshooting. The web-enabled controllers also allow remote access, enabling maintenance staff to monitor and adjust the system efficiently. In the event of an alarm, the system can send notifications via email or text message, ensuring rapid response to any deviations from setpoints. The use of Walchem’s Fluent data management platform allows for a fleet view, meaning multiple locations can be monitored simultaneously.
Municipal water authorities, small community associations, private well owners, industrial facilities, commercial buildings, water treatment service providers.